Peter Dante

A Life Connected: Peter Dante on his New Music Release and Connecting with his Fans

Peter Dante is never afraid to go with the flow, as proven with his newest release, “Dimes, Nickels and Pennies.” With the song set to release soon, he finds himself in unfamiliar places with some very familiar friends.

The frequent and notable collaborator once again brings together some of the best in the industry with the single he describes as pop-rock, reminiscent of early Train. With unobtrusive yet powerful lyrics and a melodic hook, Dante said the song is really a reflection of himself.

“Dimes, Nickels and Pennies is a real anthem about my life,” he said. As those that have seen Dante perform can attest his shows are frequently a haven of love and improvisation, both lyrical and not, but always entertaining and from the heart.

“Every song that I write, every song that I sing, and every different night, I sing them differently,” Dante said. “I freestyle a lot and write about them, where I'm at, what venue, what I'm feeling from the crowd, about my band, about the band I'm touring with, about whoever and about whatever band that's just opening that night.” He hopes his connection with people is conveyed in the new song as well, along with his positive outlook on life and collaboration.

“I’m a 53-year-old guy that loves recording and writing music, and especially if I can help those around me,” Dante said. “It's a bonus, you know, and if we can go to the pick of the top, then God bless it, take it to the top.”

Top of the charts or not, Dante said he lives off the warm feedback and connection from his fans.

“You lay it out there on the line and you tell people the story of why you wrote it, when you wrote it, what you wrote about, or to just, in general, connect. It's an astounding feeling the response, you get back from humans.”

That improvisational and collaborative nature of Dante’s act bleeds heavily into his artistic process. As he listens to others play, he said he is always watching and ready to build and connect on what he hears.

“I literally start writing, with immediacy within the first probably eight to 12 bars of the song. And then I'll run it back right away, just to start it over,” Dante said. “The creative process to me is, it's a dream and a belief in what I've experienced.”

“And, or they can just conquer things, just by loving themselves, to learning how to love others, be accepting of others, and have compassion, but yet have complete passion.”

In regard to aspiring musicians, Dante states collaboration is a necessary and integral part of success.

The actor/musician with a heart of gold’s love for people shines through his music. “Disappear with me, my heart and soul you’ll see…How far and deep, and how far I’ll go no matter what with my heart and soul said…we’ll rise above, we’ll love.”